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Additional Services

"Find Your Balance at HARMONY Health and Wellness Center"

Express Spray Tan

EXPRESS solution gives your clients the option to shower in as little as 2-hours! Lavish Tan EXPRESS solution processes faster on the skin, allowing you to shower within only a few hours after application. Allow 2-hours for light shade, 3-hours for for medium-light shade, and 4-hours for a medium shade.

Before your Tan:

1. Thoroughly exfoliate and shave prior to your tan.

2. Avoid wearing makeup, moisturizers, and deodorant to your appointment, as this acts as a barrier to the spray and stops the color from developing properly.

3. Wear dark colored, loose fitting clothing and sandals after your tanning session.

4. Schedule workouts, waxing & manicure/pedicure appointments BEFORE your tanning appointment.

After your Tan:

1. Do not shower, or get wet for 2-4 hours for following your appointment.

2. After your first shower, moisturize using a paraben-free lotion at least twice daily. Keeping moisturized ensures an even, flawless fade.

3. Avoid chlorinated jacuzzies, saunas and steam rooms.

4. Limit the amount of intense physical activity for a longer lasting tan.

5. Taking cool short showers and avoiding baths are recommended.

6. Avoid using scrubs and scented body wash.


The jets & warm water deliver oxygen to your muscles & take pressure off of your joints & sore muscles. Provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains. Reduces the level of stress & anxiety. Deep relaxation provides a feeling of well-being. Increases circulation in local areas where massaged. Relieves muscle soreness, stiffness, and tension. Great for all ages and stages of life. Consult Dr if you have any questions.


Infrared Sauna

For a healthier, happier you surround your body with the proven effects of our top of the line, Sunlighten's Far Infrared heating technology. *Enhance Detoxification *Boosts Your Immune System *Reduces Pain & Inflammation *Helps Treat HBP *Improve Circulation *Helps Repair Nerves *Boost Weight Loss *Helps with Chronic Fatigue *Improves Allergy Symptoms *Decrease Cellulite *Helps Treat Diabetes *Can Improve Wound Healing *Relaxation & Stress Reduction *Can Improve & Protect Your Skin


Ear Candling

Some Benefits of Ear Candling: Gently removing excessive wax, Helping plugged ears equalize better before flying, help to alleviate stuffy, head-cold symptoms and pressure, relieve sinus pressure, eliminating the pain in the ear, helping with hearing problems, Eliminating a swimmer’s ear, Improving your mental state, Relieving the pain in the body.

Get in Touch to Schedule Your Session

Want to experience these pampering treatments for yourself? Get in touch with us to book yours today.

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